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Code of Inclusion: Ensuring the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Workplace 

Article by GIZ Egypt In the context of GIZ Egypt’s inclusion efforts, we asked ourselves “Why do we need a

OPD Voices

Interview with Peter Kayanga

The Living Inclusion Network got the chance to exchange with the Disability Peoples Forum Uganda (DPFU), an OPD based in Kampala Uganda. In this edition of our OPD voices segment, we share some thoughts from the founder and chairperson of DPFU, Peter Kayanga. Get to know more about his organisation’s mission, the journey they have been on and their prospects for the future.

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What to read

Check out this report that was co-produced by the ILO and ENIL titled: “Towards Dignity and Autonomy: A Comprehensive Look at Personal Assistance Policies for Persons with Disabilities Worldwide”. The report looks at nine different countries  and how their systems are providing personal assistance services to persons with disabilities.


Event Recommendation

GDS Pre-Summits

The months ahead are looking promising in the world of disability inclusion. Discover a number of pre-summits worth attending leading up to the Global Disability Summit 2025.

Save the dates!


Inclusion Hacks

Inclusive Event Moderation

This time on our inclusion hack, we share with you an element of hosting an inclusive event that is often overlooked: The role of the moderator. Moderating an event can most times be complex, but we break it down into eight steps to facilitate the process. Check out this hack and get tips on how to moderate inclusively.